Friday, January 6, 2012

Let the Journey Begin

I will begin this with my 2012 goals.  I don't like the word resolutions :)

~To journal more faithfully.  I have done really well the past 2 years with this.  But I am a odd duckling in the fact that when there is heart work being done, I journal like crazy.  When things are at a steady hummmm, and slack big time.  I want to be diligent in it at all seasons of life.

~Continue reading in my Women of Faith Bible.  I have a little obsession.  I love new Bibles.  So even though I am twitching and tying myself down to the chair because I want to run right out to the nearest Family Christian Bookstore to get the Mom's Study Bible I want so badly, I am going to be thankful for the one I have :)

~Exercise consistently.  I am going to be doing the Indy Mini in May, so that will help spur me along.

~Try more healthy recipes.  It took me awhile to learn to cook, and now that I know what I am doing, I have to start all over!  I am always timid of recipes with weird works and ingredients.  But my awesome husband Patrick is always encouraging me that if it sucks, it's not my fault, we chalk it up as gross and move on :)

~Be faithful of mailing out birthday cards and thinking of you cards.

~Keep working on my guitar.  Read: Master bar chords =/ Why did they have to make it so hard, seriously?  I have lead worship now for half a year with our womens bible study, and starting to play at church, but I am getting quite bored with only being able to play songs in certain keys.  I love music :)

~Limit novel reading.  I can get quite involved in my books, and life around me as I know it stops and disappears.  This is not a good thing when you are me ;)

~Scrapbook a page a week.  This may not happen this week since we JUST FLEW HOME FROM FLOIDA LAST NIGHT!!  Woohoo :)  I can't wait to share some of those pictures with you.  It was challenging for me to push aside my self conscious issues and enjoy living in the moment, in a bathing suit, but I did it!  We swam, played in the sand, collected shells, had amazing family time.  So thankful for such a wonderful Christmas gift from Pat's parents :)

I will leave you with one of my favorite pictures from Floida.

And let me just tell you that we were taking one for the team for this picture.  That water was FREEZING.  What we will do for my scrapbook :)


  1. Florida is an AMAZING present! How awesome!

    Most people say that they want to read more, but I love you and I love that you want to read fewer novels.

    If you ever do or want to do a scrapbook weekend, please let me know! I have cut quite a few things out of my life so that I can now enjoy life. :)

    Love you, friend!

  2. You're a beautiful woman! I pray some day you will full accept that, my friend!

    And I, too, would LOVE to join you in scrapping! Tell me when!

  3. Oh friend, this makes me so happy and excited for this next year for you! You are such a blessing :) Girls' night soon :)

    PS - our journaling habbits are POLAR opposites! hahaha...I found that funny.

  4. Shannon---you & your 2 friends up above should come to my Scrapbooking Day on Sat., Jan. 28th! :)


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