Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A little glimpse into the heart

November 2nd, 2011

It happened.  That moment.  I have heard people in the past say, "I've never realized how big I've gotten until I saw a picture of myself."  Now, I've always thought these people were crazy.  I mean, don't you see yourself in a mirror?  Well.  One of my nearest and dearest friends, Angie got married last month (October) and they had this really fun thing set up called a photo booth were you can use fun props to talke silly pictures.  Yesterday she sent me the link to check out the pictures.  And I almost fell off of my chair as I saw a picture of me.

But I tell you what.  I am still going to order some of those pics.  B/c thinness does not equate to happiness.  And there is a lot of happiness in these pictures.  Some with 2 of our close couple friends, some with my little family, and the fact that we were celebrating Mike and Ang getting married!  No, I am going to frame those pictures.  And put my stake in the sand and say "No More!"

I recently just finished the book Made To Crave, and really, I did try to heed my friend, Darcy's advice and read it slow...Well of course I plowed through it and now I am going to reread it, penetrate it deep within my heart  and mind, taking the time to dig deep.  Dig deep in scripture, my heart, my woundings, and allow change and healing to take place, LIFE CHANGING ONES, not just "diet" changes.

January 11th, 2012

So here we are into the new year!  Just a few minutes ago I received in the mail the Devotion book and Action Plan for Made to Crave.  Yay!!!  I can't wait.  When we got home from Florida, that stake was placed firmly in the sand.  It has been HARD.  I am hungry all.  the.  time.  But I am committed!

~ I am trying to eat like the Garden of Eden.  (there is no Cooler Ranch chip tree in the Garden of Eden, sob!)
~No soda.  (so so so hard for me!!) Read: lots of H20.  I despise water.  So I am doing Crystal Light (in moderation, I don't want aspartame in my system, either). My reward right now is one glass of water, one glass of crystal light, etc etc.
~Workout at least 5 times/week.
~One cup of coffee a day.  Poke me in eye right now with this one.  Gah!  Try to talk the husband into a Keurig right now for my birthday present :)

 I went to my sweet friend, Emily's house this week, for our weekly accountibility time. And she had homemade, fresh out of the oven, banana bread made. Oh and did I mention she has a espresso machine and makes a mean latte?? Seriously?!?  It took everything in me, but I said no. The whole time half of the brain is saying yes.  But later on, Patrick celebrated that small victory with me. :) That is one thing I am remembering to do.


So in your day today, look for your small victory you can celebrate.  Did you grab an apple instead of m&m's?  Celebrate it!  Did you stay on that treadmill those last  5 minutes?  Celebrate it!  


  1. So glad you can appreciate the photos for what they are : a memory of a fun time and celebration! Spot on, my friend <3

    I remembered our talk about celebrating small victories. Yesterday I had an apple instead of chips when I got the snack attack. Woo hoo!

  2. Small victory for the day...I got off the couch, away from my books, and walked for 30 minutes :)


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